Score Your Organization’s CX Maturity
/An Overview of The Ten X Essential Criteria With Which to Score Your Organization’s Level of CX Maturity:
Customer Centric Organization: is Customer Centricity a CEO backed strategic priority and is it included in your company’s operating model as well as declared values that you communicate to both your customers and employees?
Customer Experience Technology Platform & Roadmap: can you ingest and aggregate data from multiple sources in real-time? Have you defined, quantified and prioritized your CX technology roadmap and aligned its implementation with corporate goals and objectives? Is this a budgeted item on an annual basis?
Customer Analytics & Lifetime Value: This “super metric” is priority no. 1 when it comes to focusing an organization on the value of its customers and the need to constantly strive to increase that value. Can your company dynamically measure Customer Lifetime Value and how is it systematically applying this all important metric as part of your company objectives and KPI's? IS CLTV supporting your company's customer loyalty strategy? Have you defined the most effective mix of NPS, CLTV & MROI for your organization's goals?
Customer Advocacy Profiling: have you defined your customer segments and personas and in so doing what is the percentage of your company’s customers who identify themselves as advocates as compared to the percentage of customers who identify themselves as detractors?
Customer Accountability: do your employees know who is responsible and accountable for each aspect of the customer experience and are they empowered to act when they recognize risks and/or opportunities for CX improvement?
Customer Insight Analytics: Is your company able to develop insights from both customers and employees regarding the quality of your company’s actual development and delivery of customer experiences using both behavioral and attitudinal data as well as ethnographic research?
Customer Journey Mapping: is your company able to create holistic, insight-fueled maps of its customers' interactions with its brand(s) leveraging a combination of survey-based and transactional data while concurrently understanding the processes and systems that support those experiences?
Customer Cross Channel Continuity & Relevance: are you able to ensure that consistent, relevant experiences are delivered across each channel with which your customers interact with your brand? Are content & offer optimization differentiated where warranted?
Customer Insight Actionability: are you able to leverage your customer insights to define new and better ways to serve and interact with your customers and to what degree is that ability integrated with automated downstream deployment systems/clouds?
Customer Experience Optimization: is your company able to use a combination of predictive analytics and rules-based decisioning to optimize the “intersections" of content (products, services, offers, messages), channels and customers? In real-time?
Above Example For Illustration Purposes Only